The "Houston, Texas" video above, shows UCS Celebrity, Shawn "HOOT" Francis, 40 year-old adult male, refering to the "nipples" of young girls and boys while the perverted soul also displays and promotes "DickTowels" to minor children with impunity. The "Las Vegas" clips Francis has provided for his underage viewers are also self-evident. While Shawn Francis' father was a school teacher and coach, "HOOT" chose to stalk his child prey while remaining outside the employ of the school "system." Can you figure out why Shawn Francis has chosen his devious modus operandi which avails him full access to school children with the blessing and cover of school overseers, United Canvas & Sling, USATF, NCAA, NFHS, etceteras?
The video clips shown above substantiate that there exists intentional application of organized criminal diversions away from obvious deadly pole vault hazards. For example, the lethal consequences resulting from the blatant criminal negligence of United Canvas & Sling, USATF, NCAA, NFHS, etceteras, collaborating in the intentional propagation and condonation of the lethal misconception that preventable DEADLY HAZARDS, when pole vaulting, are a GOOD thing.
In the next video, you will see for yourself Shawn "Hoot" Francis expose that, in 2017, he fully recognized the significance of TOLEDO AIR STRIKE HORIZONTAL FLEXED POLE ROTATION solutions to deadly United Canvas & Sling and USATF Industrial Complex pole vault teachings. The clips in this video are those of Shawn "Hoot" Francis, himself, providing TESTAMENT contradicting his own United Canvas & Sling negligent pole vault teachings. Yet, influenced by senior UCS comrades, such as Doug "Bubba" Sparks, Francis knowingly went back to pushing United Canvas & Sling deadly narratives onto innocent children and their naive parents. Following that, please, watch the DEADLY DUPLANTIS video. ANYONE, and I mean ANYONE, attempting to duplicate DUPLANTIS' DISASTEROUS DEADLY WRONG-WAY pole vault methods, being propagated by the USATF Industrial Complex, is being negligently subjected to IMMANENT DANGER!(See Proof)
Displayed below, you will see an image of "YouTube" notifications I received, posted by CHILD ENDANGERING UNITED CANVAS & SLING SURROGATE, "Coach" Shawn Michael Francis. This document corroborates the actions initiated by Mr. Francis relating to his blatant theft and negligent misapplication of concepts from my copyrighted TOLEDO AIR STRIKE POLE VAULT SYSTEM. Relating to these facts, I sent Shawn Francis a letter (USPS Registered) dated, February 19, 2021.
On June 12, 2017, I entered a comment into one of Shawn Michael Francis' YouTube channels, "Team Hoot Pole Vault." Simultaneously, Coach Francis spuriously represents himself as "Marshall Testa" in a "straw" YouTube channel he uses to post "phony" complementary comments to his own videos. Mr. Francis, while masquerading as "Marshall Testa," makes it clear that he is very familiar with my TOLEDO AIR STRIKE POLE VAULT SYSTEM. In order to prevent me from exposing his pole vault negligence and fraudulent "Marshall Testa" channel, Mr. Francis, cowardly UCS JESTER that he is, proceeded to "ban" me from posting comments on his negligent YouTube videos. WHY are UCS SURROGATES (LAPDOGS), such as, Shawn "Hoot" Francis and Doug "Bubba" Sparks, so AFRAID of me and my DEADLY FACTS (TRUTHS)?
I identified Coach Shawn Francis' "straw" YouTube channel in my comment documented below, to which his reaction was to immediately ban me from commenting on his channel (as you can see for yourself in the image above):
Next, is a screenshot confirmation of our June 12, 2017, YouTube interactions:
The image below is a screenshot October 9, 2017, which is an update of the video comments section above.
It was after my June 12, 2017, YouTube experience with Mr. Francis (AKA Marshall Testa) documented above, when I discovered Shawn Michael Francis is plagiarizing my AIR STRIKE POLE VAULT information. You can see for yourself in the above images that Coach Francis refers to my AIR STRIKE POLE VAULT facts as, "bad information." Additionally, under the quise of his "straw" YouTube "Marshall Testa" channel, Coach Francis also posted his malevolent and defamatory "phony" comment I am quoting here:
"Hahahahaha that's funny, but air-strike is completely wrong and doesn't work."(Coach Francis AKA Marshall Testa)
This begs the question: "If he truly believes my methods don't work, WHY IS COACH FRANCIS STEALING MY CONCEPTS?"
Documentation I've accumulated regarding Shawn Michael Francis' theft of my intellectual property clearly exposes the UCS JESTER as a criminal INTERNET PIRATE STEALING my work, then, passing concepts from my AIR STRIKE POLE VAULT SYSTEM off as if they are his own. Keep in mind that, while deliberately intending to damage and maliciously undermine my reputation, UCS JESTER FRANCIS is also negligently jeopardizing athletes who unsuspectingly follow his specious advice. Coach Shawn Francis' misapplications of my Air Strike methods, hijacked by this LETHAL UCS LAPDOG, have very serious repercussions that include injurious mental and physical consequences for which Shawn Francis, UNITED CANVAS & SLING, USATF, NCAA, NFHS and other culpable parties should be held liable.
Below, is the image of an October 5, 2017, email I received from a pole vault enthusiast informing me of Shawn Francis' underhanded attempt to PILFER one of my AIR STRIKE methods emulating my son's 1992 execution of AIR STRIKE "HORIZONTAL FLEXED POLE ROTATION":
Shawn Francis published the above referenced YouTube video September 27, 2017. Coach Francis' specific misuse of my Air Strike concepts in this video runs from 2:47 to 6:42 BUT, please, watch from the start to see for yourself this INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY THIEF actually state at the very beginning of this video:
"I'm ahnna show yah one of the most popular things I do at my camps involving PVC pipe!"(Shawn Francis-YouTube-vxa-eVgzWco)
In 1991, I concluded that, when pole vaulting, the top and bottom tips of flexible "competition" vaulting poles need to be aligned end-over-end vertically at the moment of fully "cocked" flexed pole position. Prior to AIR STRIKE pole vault methods, nobody had ever achieved this properly executed manipulation of a flexible vaulting pole. The AIR STRIKE defined "end-over-end vertically" flexed state can be accomplished ONLY through the application of Air Strike's unique "HORIZONTAL FLEXED POLE ROTATION" process for which I designed my "PVC" exercises to simulate.
The animated gif image shown above displays actual AIR STRIKE "HORIZONTAL FLEXED POLE ROTATION" executed in 1992.
Following my 2011 re-entry into the pole vault world, after more than a 17 year hiatus, I discovered that the "uniform diameter" flexible vaulting poles I applied for TRAINING in the 1990s are no longer available. Thus, I created AIR STRIKE PVC demonstrations because PVC pipe is the most practical substitute I could easily apply for safely mimicking "horizontal flexed pole rotation" principles until a better training substitute for "uniform diameter" vaulting poles is available.
In the following YouTube videos below, published May 6, 2017 and May 10, 2017, posted on Coach Francis' "Team Hoot Pole Vault" channel, you will see this deadly UCS JESTER misemploying my original AIR STRIKE POLE VAULT information while he shamelessly promotes my methods as if they are his own. At 3:03 of the first video you will encounter my AIR STRIKE "AMAZING" PVC exercise being pirated and wrongly performed by "Team Hoot Pole Vault" students at what appears to be one of Coach Francis' remiss pole vault camps. Then, at 1:48 in his other video below (in an insert Coach Francis slides onto the screen) you will again encounter my AIR STRIKE "AMAZING" PVC exercise being misrepresented by Coach Francis during his deceitful attempts to persuade (con) his gullible "marks" employing typical "traditional" illicit monetary solicitation tactics:
I've studied the 2012 Master's Thesis of UCS JESTER SHAWN FRANCIS in detail. The Francis thesis, "Differences In Ground Reaction Forces Between Take-offs That Are Out, On, Or Under In The Pole Vault," is comprised of more than 50 pages loaded with lethal "traditional" pole vault misinformation. There is absolutely no indication that Shawn Michael Francis had knowledge of my "horizontal flexed pole rotation" concepts when he authored his thesis and, without that knowledge, the mis-educated miscreant and UCS JESTER didn't have a clue how to properly apply flexible vaulting poles when he comprised his "thesis" in 2012. I have not found any record of Mr. Francis mentioning my concepts prior to 2016.
THOROUGH PREPARATION is the primary significant difference between METICULOUS "AIR STRIKE" GROUNDWORK DETAIL and lackadaisical lethal "TRADITIONAL" pole vault teachings that encourage athletes to attempt deadly pole vault without proper qualification. The bottom line is that Shawn Michael Francis should be held liable for the REAL DEADLY CONSEQUENCES OF RUSHING his naive clients into attempting a dangerous activity without proper and thorough preparation.
Shawn Michael Francis is neither qualified, approved or authorized to teach my AIR STRIKE POLE VAULT methods. Coach Francis ("Team Hoot Pole Vault") is the typical "traditional" pole vault imbecile who self-exposes his lethal abject stupidity in plain sight for all to see, as stated in his own documented negligent opinion quoted here encouraging wide-eyed wannabes to lethally misuse deadly vaulting poles:
"I look at a pole-break as a graduation, ah, to being even more awesome!"(Shawn Francis-YouTube-F8J4ytXaVu0)
Again, in the "Team Hoot Pole Vault" YouTube video you see below (published September 27, 2017), Coach Francis confirms he has shamelessly PIRATED my AIR STRIKE "HORIZONTAL FLEXED POLE ROTATION" PVC drill. (Upon clicking "play," this video should start automatically at 2:46.) As you can see, Coach Francis, unscrupulous pinhead that he is, has titled his YouTube video, "Amazing Pole Vault Drill w/ PVC | Team Hoot Pole vault" while deceitfully broadcasting my AIR STRIKE POLE VAULT concepts as if they are his own.
Below is a copy of an email message I sent January 6, 2015, to Bernie Saggau, the man responsible for the elimination of Iowa high school pole vault in the late 1980s. The link I sent Mr. Saggau leads to a 3 minute video that includes AIR STRIKE concepts Coach Shawn Michael Francis has plagiarized from my AIR STRIKE POLE VAULT SYSTEM.
Below, is a screenshot from my January 4, 2015, YouTube video linked in the Bernie Saggau email:
The similarities shared between my 2015 image above and the Francis 2017 image below are self-evident.
Please, keep in mind that the video above was published by Mr. Francis September 27, 2017, which is nearly 33 months after my preceding video I published January 4, 2015.
The link in this paragraph connects to my November 18, 2014, YouTube video titled, "PVC pole vault test." I emailed this link to several interested parties to view regarding how I assemble my PVC tools. - - See my screenshot below:
The following video, was published on my "How to Pole Vault" YouTube channel on March 11, 2015. This video also contains my AIR STRIKE concepts plagiarized by Coach Shawn Francis and "Team Hoot Pole Vault." The first images you see below, are stills from my March 11, 2015, YouTube video describing AIR STRIKE "HORIZONTAL FLEXED POLE ROTATION" in detail:
"Hahahahaha that's funny, but air-strike is completely wrong and doesn't work."(Coach Francis AKA Marshall Testa)
Shawn Michael Francis, under the impression he is above reproach, is a documented intellectual property thief, lying hypocrite, shameless UCS STOOGE and criminally negligent coach. Can you now comprehend how horribly contemptuous and reprehensible the pole vault industrial complex is? There's still much more.
Within 12 MONTHS, we accomplished MORE to IMPROVE this event than “TRADITIONAL” pole vault “EXPERTS” have throughout entire careers!